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Husband and wife with military upbringing pledge $1.5M to the CAF community

Husband and wife with military upbringing pledge $1.5M to the CAF community

Kyle MacDonald and John Franklin, both children of Veterans. are focusing their philanthropic efforts on showing appreciation for our women and men in uniform.

As children of Veterans, Kyle MacDonald and John Franklin understand the challenges of military service.

Kyle is the daughter of Captain (retd) Samuel MacDonald, who fought and was injured in the Korean War. Kyle knows the struggles of being a military child. John’s father, Colonel (retd) William Franklin, served in the militia - a historical title for a group of Canadians trained for military duty - for 45 years, fighting in World War I and World War II. Following his military career, he served in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill from 1945-1960 as the Sergeant at Arms.

Kyle and John understand and appreciate the sacrifices military families make. Kyle recalled her experience with her father: “My father did not talk about his experience in the war. He didn’t deal with it very well. So I would Say he would be one of those military Veterans who really struggles with the things that occurred, and the things that he saw. It impacted him for the rest of his life.” 

As children of Veterans, Kyle and John focus their philanthropic efforts on showing appreciation for the Canadians Armed Forces community. For over a decade, they have been supporters of Soldier On, recognizing that serving our country is not just a job, it is a sacrifice and a lifestyle that can have positive and negative impacts.

 “I have always had tremendous support for our military Veterans and am proud to be the child of a Veteran,” says Kyle.

Kyle and John have once again demonstrated their commitment to the Canadian Armed Forces community by pledging a donation of $1.5M over five years to Support Our Troops and Soldier On.

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