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Start a Fundraising Campaign

Hosting a fundraising event is a great way for individuals and companies or organizations to show support. It is also an equally great way to promote team building, boost employee morale and demonstrate your support for a meaningful cause.

A fundraising event can be a community or corporate event that is typically one or two days long. Common events are golf tournaments, sporting events, walk or run events, and ‘a-thon’ events like a spin-a-thon, bowl-a-thon, or dance-a-thon.

We suggest registering your event 6-8 weeks in advance, or longer if you are requesting support. Include as much detail as possible in the description field and clearly explain how your event funds will be raised.

*Please note that community events are not promotions, partnerships or cause-marketing campaigns. They cannot be based on cash boxes, coin drops, can donations, soliciting door-to door, or at random locations in your community.

Support Our Troops community events must reflect positively on Support Our Troops, and must abide by all local, municipal and federal laws, including those that cover raffles.

Please allow the Support Our Troops team 7-10 business days to connect back with you. You will be notified by email of the result of your application.

Register your event