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Become a Corporate Partner

Support Our Troops works with companies across Canada, both nationally and at the local level. We will work with you to build unique partnerships that play to your business strengths, complement and enhance your brand, align with your social responsibility goals and engage your staff.

Why Support Our Troops?

Your company and its employees can make a significant difference in the lives of Canadian Armed Forces members, Veterans, and their families who make sacrifices in times of peace and conflict. 

By becoming a corporate partner, you are taking a stand behind those who courageously defend our country’s fundamental values and interests, and contribute to international peace and security.

Your company's involvement can:

  • Help children. You have the power to put a smile on a child’s face by providing much needed assistance with education and special needs; and 
  • Help the ill and injured. You have the power to give back to those who have been injured or suffer mental health issues while serving Canadians at home and abroad.  

How you can Support Our Troops?

Every company is unique – and so are our partnerships. We would love to have a conversation with you to identify how we can work together to create a solid partnership that achieves your organization’s goals and how you can make the greatest impact in the lives of the men and women, and their families, who are serving or have served our great country.


How we can support you?

We understand that we are only successful in supporting our troops because of our partnerships and the donations from Canadians across the country.

We commit to supporting you, your organization and your employees from your initial inquiry throughout the partnership. Our team is on hand to work with you to identify the support you need and to ensure that our partnership is a success.

Call us today and let’s explore together the best possible partnership for you and your company.
