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CAF Appreciation Games

The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) partners with NHL, CFL, MLS, NBA teams and others from across the country to host CAF Appreciation Nights to demonstrate support to the women and men who serve our country.

The presence of Support Our Troop’s Yellow Ribbon at these games highlights the affiliation between these organizations and the connection between the forces and our official charitable cause.

Many of these teams make a charitable contribution to programs that provide financial support and assistance to military members and their families.

These nights are very important. Fellow Canadians stand with us with the pride and patriotism we have for our military community, sometimes by gifting their own tickets for members to attend.

As passion for sports runs deep in most Canadian communities, CAF Appreciation Nights allow our fellow Canadians to say “thank you” to our military members for the pride, courage and dignity they bring to the front lines.
