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The Poley Family
Support Stories

The Poley Family

“Moving with unanswered questions about your special needs children just adds to the stress. Thank you for coming to the rescue when we had run out of options.” ~ The Poley Family

My name is Capt Gord Poley and I serve as the 1 Combat Engineer Regiment Padre in Edmonton. In 2008, after 25 years of serving civilian congregations and 17 years as a Reservist Chaplain I transferred into the Reg Force. To be honest, I wondered how this move would affect my “special needs” family. Two of our four daughters are severely handicapped, both mentally and physically and they will always be wheelchair and diaper dependant.

In 2015 a major change took place in our lives with a posting from Nova Scotia to Alberta. This meant unplugging ALL of our social support programs and aid from one province while applying and waiting for support in our new location. One of our major concerns was the transition time during the move into our temporary lodging. How do we accomplish all the logistical needs during the “unload/unpack” and perform the daily personal care functions for two severely handicap children?

Fortunately I remembered the Support Our Troops Fund. I remember leading the charge in the squadron to support this vital charity a few years ago. Now I found myself needing financial assistance to bridge this transition in our lives. Moving is a stressful time. Moving with unanswered support questions about your special needs children just adds to the stress. Support Our Troops took a huge chunk of that stress off our shoulders by providing funds for us to hire personal care workers during our temporary lodging. I can’t imagine how we would have done it without them. We are now settled and loving our new place of service. Thank you for coming to the rescue when we had run out of options.
Support Stories

Corporal Antoine Vachon-Lehoux

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