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The Royal Canadian Legion’s red poppy is in full bloom at this year’s Canada Army Run: Virtual

The Royal Canadian Legion’s red poppy is in full bloom at this year’s Canada Army Run: Virtual

Remembrance Row, a favourite at Canada Army Run, returns as a virtual platform to honour those who have served our country and are no longer with us.

Each November, poppies bloom on the lapels and collars of millions of Canadians. This symbol of remembrance is safeguarded by The Royal Canadian Legion, who works year-round to provide Veterans and their families with emergency support, financial assistance, and mental health checks, to name a few. 

The Legion is also a staunch supporter of the Canadian Armed Forces’ major events, where they raise awareness about their exceptional work in support of the Veteran community.

In addition to offering prizes from the Poppy Store and other special offers to participants of Canada Army Run, the Royal Canadian Legion hosts Remembrance Row. This year’s digital commemoration platform plays a key role in ensuring Canadians have the opportunity to honour the memories of our fallen women and men in uniform. 

Mary Lou (Bolger) Trowell and her husband are proud to honour the memories of the Veterans in their family every year at Canada Army Run.

“My grandparents had four children who went to war: my dad and my uncle, who joined the Army, and my other uncle and aunt, who joined the Air Force. My grandparents were very fortunate – their three sons returned from the war – and only my dad was wounded in action. Since it’s the 75th anniversary of the end of World War I, I created Team Bolger and have challenged my family to participate and donate to Soldier On. Of all the events my husband and I have done over the years, Canada Army Run is tops!”

We thank the Legion for continuing to stand with us in support of our serving women and men, past and present, and their families. To learn more about becoming a member of the Royal Canadian Legion, visit their website.

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