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A typical Tuesday for a summer day camper

A typical Tuesday for a summer day camper

We asked Malia to tell us about a typical day at her summer camp and what she loved most about the experience!

Despite the uncertainties and restrictions surrounding summer activities due to COVID-19, nine-year-old Malia was able to attend a local day camp as part of the National Summer Camps Program. As the member of a military family, Malia was eligible for a grant to cover the cost of her day camp experience.

We asked Malia to tell us about a typical day at her summer day camp:

“Hi, my name is Malia and I am going into grade five. I have a younger brother named Hugo, my mom Karolina, and my dad Terence. I like to watch nEtfLiX. My favorite show of all time is She-Ra and Princesses of Power.

Ok now I’m going to list everything I did on Tuesday. First thing we did Tuesday was go outside and play, then we ate fOoD. Afterwards, I'm pretty sure that we made our own playdoh, fans, and miracas, then we went to the gym, then lunch, then did whatever we wanted, then gym, after that we had our snack, then finally gym and that was it for the day.

I liked going outside and going to gym. I also enjoyed eating my fOoD. But what I DIDN’T LIKE was that after the camp my parents (mainly my dad) would make fun of me because I befriended the counselors. (>_<) (T_T)”

For Malia’s family, there are obvious benefits to military children and families by participating in the program.

“Programs like this are important for military families, as they encourage them to get their children (and themselves) involved in community activities. This is especially important if those families have recently moved to a new community as a result of a military posting,” says Malia’s father.
Thanks to the generosity of our donors and supporters, dozens of military children experience the joy of summer camps every year. Click here to learn more about the National Summer Camps Program.

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